Adventist Representatives Meet Cypriot President

Nicosia/Cyprus | 06.11.2003 | ANN/APD | International

Two Seventh-day Adventist Church world representatives, Dr. John Graz and Dr. Bert Beach, were among a delegation of 22 members of the Christian World Communions, or CWC, who met with the president of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos, on Oct. 21. The Cypriot leader received a plaque from Graz and told the church leaders of the urgent need for cooperation and reconciliation in Cyprus, which has been divided by ethnic conflict since 1975. During the CWC session, Dr. Beach, who served as secretary of the organization for 32 years, was also honored with an award commemorating his service to the group, which represents some 2 billion Christian believers around the world. [Editor: John Graz for ANN/APD]


In the News:
Christian World Communions (CWC)

International organizations of churches of the same tradition or confession have been formed since the middle of the 19th century. Since 1957 there have been annual informal gatherings of the secretaries of such organizations; and it is from among the bodies represented at these meetings that this list is taken, although not all them would define themselves as "Christian World Communions":

Anglican Communion; Baptist World Alliance; Church of the Brethren; Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council; Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; Friends World Committee for Consultation; General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; International Old Catholic Bishop's Conference; Lutheran World Federation; Mennonite Central Committee; Moscow Patriarchate [Russian Orthodox Church]; Pentecostal World Conference; Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican); Reformed Ecumenical Council; Salvation Army; World Alliance of Reformed Churches; World Convention of Churches of Christ; World Evangelical Alliance and World Methodist Council.

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